Fitness red flags to look out for in January

Well… here we are again. It’s January, and the pressure to jump on the ‘new year, new me’ bandwagon is mounting. The fitness industry is the main culprit, with big promises of achieving the body you always wanted, changing your life forever, or finally being ‘healthy’. While we are all for making a positive change in your life and attempting something new, we also know that there’s SO much misinformation out there and we wanted to highlight some red flags to look out for. So consider this your cheeky survival guide to navigate the pitfalls of January fitness madness.

Detox BS

January often sees the rise of dubious detox programs promising to cleanse your soul and shed those ‘holiday pounds’. Here’s the red flag to look out for 🚩: if you have to make a purchase to ‘get detoxed’ - be it a detox juice, tea, pills, etc., it’s probably BS. Newsflash: Your liver and kidneys are the real MVPs of detoxification. Save your money, skip the pseudoscience, and focus on a balanced diet and hydration instead. 

The "All or Nothing" Attitude

You made a resolution to hit the gym 5x/week in January, drink no alcohol, and eat ‘healthy’ food only. But it was your friend’s birthday, you had a few drinks, and felt so sh*t the next day you couldn’t go to the gym. Time to quit and start all over again on Monday? Not so fast!
Sorry to break it to you but your own ‘all or nothing’ attitude is the 🚩here! Fitness is a journey, not a destination. A missed workout or some not-so-nutritious food won't ruin everything. Embrace the concept of balance, and don't let perfection be the enemy of progress.

Shiny Object Syndrome

New year, new gadgets, right? Before you blow your budget on the latest fitness device, outfit, or expensive membership, ask yourself if it's a genuine game-changer or just another purchase that makes you feel better in the short term (🚩 right here!). Our advice? Stick to the basics & check out our blog on how to stay fit on a budget!

Excessive restrictions

January will inevitably bring to your attention a bunch of diets, old and new. And while some of them might have *some* merit, we advise you to look out for the following red flags:

🚩Cutting out food groups - no carbs, no fats, etc. We all deserve to have pasta in our lives, and you can absolutely eat pasta while being on track with your nutrition goals. Not to mention there’s no better diet than a balanced one, which by definition includes all food groups.

🚩1200 cals - being in a severe calorie deficit will inevitably backfire. Aim for 150 - 250 kcal deficit for sustainable fat loss (if that’s your goal at all!).

🚩’Calorie-burning’ workouts: anything advertised as such is likely just a sh*t workout. Exercise accounts for a very small % of your overall energy expenditure, so unless you plan on running a marathon everyday (please don’t), you could safely leave this one out of the equation. Or better yet - why don’t you leave the heavy lifting to us and use our calorie calculator instead!

In the grand tradition of January fitness, let's approach our goals with a healthy dose of skepticism, a pinch of humor, and a side of realism. Remember, lasting change takes time, consistency, and a bit of laughter along the way. So keep your eyes peeled for these red flags, and most importantly, enjoy the journey – it's bound to be a hilarious, sweaty, and occasionally awkward adventure!


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