What comes to mine when you hear ‘Run Club’?  

Is it 

  1. Lycra-clad whippets, sprinting like they’re Usain Bolt as a coach stands there shouting at them? 

  2. Coach blows a whistle and everyone f*cks off at breakneck speed leaving you on your own to run the ‘social and friendly’ 5km run 

  3. A weekly group designed to nurture and develop your running whether it’s for lifting, racing, competitions, or to lay some demons to rest. 

You get 10 points if you answer C. If you answered anything else, then.... wait, what?  We spoke to our awesome running coach - Max - about what it’s like to start running as a newbie.

Strongher Strides aka Run Club aka Rub Club...... FIVE FACTS 

  1. We are a run club / class that is truly inclusive, yes really.  This means that if you’ve not actually started running yet, you can come along and learn, before you pick up some sketchy habits 

  2. We primarily focus on speedwork. NO! Come back, that simply means, for those wishing to run faster they can come and do it under the 

    • With a coach 

    • With others who are also questioning their life choices 

      Nobody likes speedwork, but we do it so we can run faster / lift heavier. 

  3. We work on form and injury prevention. Pre-hab is infinitely better than rehab. So many of the common running injuries are preventable. But if nobody has ever shown you, then how are you meant to know?  

  4. We talk during class. <gasp!> Yep, we talk!  I mean, not whilst you’re running, but, between reps, you’re talking to each other 

  5. You won’t be last.  Do you know how I know? Because in Rub Club there is no last! We are doing repeats, and everyone is working to a slightly different programme depending on their goal.  So, yes, there is no last.  


Top three things I hear when people say. “I want to come to Run Club but... 

  1. ..I can’t run.” I have heard this more than any other comment over the last 18 years, and so far, every single person who has been coached by me for running...... has run. Every. Single. One. As an aside, you were running before you could tie your shoelaces, you can run. 

  2. ....I’m really slow.” Compared to? 400m is 400m, a mile is a mile, no matter your pace. See my last fact up there.

  3. ....I hate running.” This is interesting, the amount of people who think they hate running because they’re scarred by horrible school experiences is sad and unsurprising.  When people are coached in a supportive, clear, and fun way, it turns out they don’t actually hate it at all.  I’m not saying that they love it, but, as a client once said, “I don’t love it, I just hate it 37% less than i used to”. I’ll take that. 


There you have it, your 3-minute guide to Rub Club. We hope it helps ease the nerves a bit - and we can’t wait to see you in Strides next time!


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